Between the House of Habsburg and Tito: a look at the Slovenian past 1861–1980
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Slovenija, zgodovina, 1861-1980Kratka vsebina
The Second half of the 19th and the entire 20th century was a momentous period of European history and an era which wrought fundamental changes to the social, political, economic and cultural life of what was ultimately to become the Republic of Slovenia, together with the adjacent territories inhabited by ethnic Slovenes. New borders also cut swathes through the lands these people populated. In the aftermath of its 1866 defeat in the War against Italy, Austria ceded Venetia to Italy, thus causing ethnic Slovenes in Slavia Veneta (Beneška Slovenija) to become Italian citizens. A year later, as a consequence of constitutional changes, the Habsburg Empire was transformed into Austria-Hungary Monarchy. In the new dualist state, Slovenes living in Prekmurje and the Porabje were now governed by Hungary, while the majority of the nation remained Austrian subjects. Austria, Hungary and Italy thus came to provide the historical framework for the disparate social, political, economic and cultural development of contemporary ethnic Slovenes living in Central Europe. This period was characterized by the instigation of parliamentary democracy, entrepreneurial incentive, cultural exchange and ethnic friction between Slovenes and the neighbouring nations.
Late Habsburg Monarchy as a Framework of Political Coexistence: the Slovenian Case
The Questions of the National Cohabitation (or Lack Thereof), Democratisation and Political Pluralisation in Slovenia in the Austrian Constitutional Period
Slovenians and Yugoslavia 1918–1941
The Parliament is Nothing but a Fairground.On the Characteristics of Parliamentary Debate in the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslavia (1919–1939)
Questions of OF Democracy and Coexistence in the Opinion of Slovenian Marxists 1918–1941
Slovenian Resistance Movement and Yugoslavia 1941–1945
Armed Resistance in Slovenia, Slovenian Partisan Army 1941-1945 in Relationshio to the Yugoslav Command
Ideological Basis of Collaboration in Europe During World War II and a Short Comparison with Slovenia
Life in Occupied Slovenia During World War II
History of the Holocaust in Slovenia
The Time of Tito's Yugoslavia, Key Issues Between 1945 and 1980
Yugoslav-Italian Border and the Issue of Slovenian Access to the Sea
Slovenian Language and the Yugoslav People's Army
The Civil Repressive Apparatus of the Second Yugoslavia and Its Perception Among the Slovenian Public

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