Yugoslavia – Slovenia: Crises – Reforms: 1968–1988


Zdenko Čepič; Peter Vodopivec; Neven Borak; Jerca Vodušek Starič; Mile Bjelajac; Božo Repe; Jože Prinčič; Jurij Hadalin; Mateja Režek; Dušan Nečak; Mitja Žagar; Ivan Kristan; Aleksander Lorenčič; Damijan Guštin; Franci Pivec; Cvetka Hedžet Toth; Stefano Lusa; Blaž Vurnik; Gregor Tomc


political history, economic history, social changes, reforms, crisis, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, socialism


Zgodovinopisje odgovarja na bistvena vprašanja o preteklosti. Pri tem je ena osnovnih načel zgodovinopisnega predstavljanja preteklosti, kje se je kaj zgodilo in kdaj. In seveda kdo je kaj storil ali mu je bilo storjeno. V tem smislu je tudi zasnovan zbornik zgodovinskih razprav, s katerim želimo prikazati nekatera bistvena dogajanja, pojave in procese, ki so oblikovali preteklost in vplivali na sedanjost, iz časa pred štiridesetimi in dvajsetimi leti pri nas. Obe obdobji, simbolni letnici sta 1968 in 1988, imata skupno, da je bila takrat v jugoslovanski družbi in državi, katere del smo bili tudi Slovenci, določena kriza, ki je zahtevala reformo. Krize in reforme v jugoslovanski državi v šestdesetih in osemdesetih letih so tako predmet naše pozornosti, kajti eno od vprašanj je nedvomno, kako sta bili obe krizi in reforme, ki so tem sledile povezane oziroma koliko in kako so reforme za preseganje krize iz šestdesetih let vplivale na krizo iz osemdesetih, zlasti iz konca tega desetletja.


  • Crises – Reforms, Yugoslavia – Slovenia: 1968–1988
    Zdenko Čepič
  • From Democratisation Attempts (1968–1972) to Agony and Catastrophe (1988–1991)
    Peter Vodopivec
  • Yugoslavia Between Integration and Disintegration
    Neven Borak
  • The 1960s Yugoslav Reforms
    Zdenko Čepič
  • The Brioni Plenum 1966 – Evaluations and its Purport
    Jerca Vodušek Starič
  • Yugoslav Army in the 1960s and the First Half of the 1970s
    Mile Bjelajac
  • Slovenian »Liberalism« in 1960s and the Role of Stane Kavčič
    Božo Repe
  • Stane Kavčič's Government and its Economic Policy
    Jože Prinčič
  • Tito and the Prague Spring in the Yugoslav Diplomatic Sources
    Jurij Hadalin
  • Perception of the Prague Spring and its Demise in Slovenia and in Yugoslavia
    Mateja Režek
  • The »Ostpolitik« of Willy Brandt and Yugoslavia 1966–1974.
    The Restoration of Diplomatic Contats between Federal Republic of Germany and Yugoslavia
    Dušan Nečak
  • The Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Constitutional System of 1974
    Inducer of Crises or Mechanism of Release
    Mitja Žagar
  • The 1974 Constitution of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – Generator of the Yugoslav Crisis?
    Ivan Kristan
  • Economic Situation in Yugoslavia in the Period from 1968 to 1988: On the Way to Dissolution
    Aleksander Lorenčič
  • Territorial Defence – Military Necessity and Political Project 1968 : 1988
    Damijan Guštin
  • The Emancipation of the Student Community
    Student Movement in the 1960s
    Franci Pivec
  • Revolt of the Generation of '68 – Ethicising of the World
    Cvetka Hedžet Toth
  • Slovenian Democratisation in the 1980s
    Stefano Lusa
  • New Social Movements in the Context of the Socialist Youth League of Slovenia
    Blaž Vurnik
  • Subcultures of Hippies and Punkers
    the Case of Slovenia in 1970s and 1980s
    Gregor Tomc


January 1, 2010

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ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)